A Guide to Fire Rated Glass Manufacturers
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A Guide to Fire Rated Glass Manufacturers

Views: 42     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-09-29      Origin: Site

A Guide to Fire Rated Glass Manufacturers

Fire rated glass protects the spread of fire from one point in a structure to another. It does not prevent a fire from starting in your home. But it will prevent the rapid spread of fire to other parts of your house. Wired glass-ceramic, fire rated glass, and fireproofing glass are usually used together where the building code requires an opening resistant to fire.


The basic difference between fire rated glass and glazed assembly is that it is designed with a rating to indicate how much heat loss it can withstand. The higher the R-value, the more resistant it is to burning. This rating is usually put on the product or written on the product label. While the actual rating is not specified on the product itself, the best way to know how resistant a product is to fire is to read the product label. If it says "R-rated", then it meets the code requirements.


If you want to protect your home from fire damage, choose a fire rated glass manufacturer with a recognized name. Make sure they have the latest technology for avoiding fire. Glass that is rated as high as three stars is usually better than ordinary glass because it is more difficult to break.

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